The stark reality of this blog post is that some of you reading it will simply not be ready to grow yet.
By "grow" I don't mean physically get older; I mean becoming a greater version of yourself.
The reason I say this is that there is a vast amount of small but integrally important nuances to the way you think. Some serve you well but most of them tend to rob you of the positive forces that could be brought to bear on your existence to your considerable benefit.
This is not your fault. It is a gradual buildup of information (either true or perceived) that forms the foundation of your everyday thoughts, feeling and actions. This framework from which you operate mostly unintentionally (sub-consciously) is what your current life looks like.
Getting a really good handle on this will form the starting point for your journey to become the you that you would prefer to be in the near or not so near future.
My recommendation for you to start gaining some clarity on this is to set aside the next 8 minutes, switch your phone to flight mode (or turn it off if you are not consuming this content on it right now) and completely immerse yourself into what Dr Jordan B Peterson shares in this video: